Data Protection : Recording using mobile phones

Mobile in hand At the end of last night’s induction session one person asked me if they could audio record the session with their phone. On the one hand this would improve inclusion as the learner would be able to be reminded of the session content. This is useful for learners who prefer auditory learning  or who have difficulties with writing notes quickly for a variety of reasons (e.g. for learners with English as a second language, dyslexia or any disability that affected handwriting). On the other hand the other learners would feel constrained or embarrassed in discussions. This would conflict with our ground rule of confidentiality and Recorded information like this would be covered by Data Protection Legislation and we would have to get signed waiver forms from every one present. What would you do in this case?

Last modified: 5 February 2014

Data Protection : Case study: Making learning connections or maintaining privacy?

At a college open evening a potential student asked about Italian classes. The college didn’t offer this language but an Italian, part-time teacher colleague of yours overheard the request and told him that she gave private Italian lessons on her days off.  Pleased, he asked for her mobile number which you saw her give him. A few weeks later you met him in the corridor and he told you he was studying for ‘A’ levels in the college now. He still wants to learn Italian but has lost your colleague’s  mobile number and asks you for it. You know the Italian teacher is desperately looking for more work. Should you give him the number?

Last modified: 3 June 2013