About Us

SEQUALS is a partnership working in Adult and Community Education and in the Creative industries to improve learning and promote  inclusion. Established in 1996 and based in Shipley, West Yorkshire, we provide training and consultancy.

The SEQUALS approach

Sequals is committed to

  • Ethical: Being guided by principles of social justice, fairness and care for the natural environment
  • Collective learning:  Learn together in small groups that are friendly, fun and inclusive
  • Creativity: Widen horizons, be creative and flexible in your community

 Who are we?

Sandra Rennie is challenger, a thinker and a creative person. She has over 20 years experience as a teacher trainer and holds Advanced Teacher Status with the Society for Education and Training.  As well as teaching, writing and creating art, Sandra provides consultancy in Further Education.


Bob Walker has a background in community economic development issues with a particular interest in West Bowling in South Bradford. He is currently researching and writing about the history of Victorian Ripleyville in Bradford and maintains a blog Rediscovering Ripleyville

Last modified: 2 August 2022